Humanity is evolving its consciousness into an awareness of itself. People are beginning to take a good look at themselves, and are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives. Individuals are beginning to recognize their divine nature, and are looking within to find answers and to commune with a personal, indwelling God(dess).
No one organization or person is leading the movement, or transition, but rather various individuals and groups are mobilizing to address the needs of individual seekers. The commonality among all "metaphysical" teachings is that they are addressing the human being's ability to discover, or experience, the Truth for themselves. These new teachings are directing the responsibility for self-awareness back on the individual; the power of realization is being acknowledged within humanity.
Many of these teachings may seem far-fetched, but the changes that have occurred in society because of these teachings can be easily seen. Not only has the so-called "New Age" prompted questioning and personal investigation of the Truth, but many of us who had either developed apathy or disillusionment in our spiritual lives are now enthusiastically exploring our spirituality again. More than anything else, these new teachings are a catalyst for change, especially in religious/spiritual thinking.
*The Law of Readiness
"When the student is ready, the Teacher will come." No matter how good a reputation a metaphysical or esoteric organization has, its only value to you is when the subjects or activities mean something to you, at that "given time." This has nothing to do with the competence or incompetence of the organization or teacher."
*Courtesy of Dr. June G. Bletzer, Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary.
The student is now ready … Welcome to the fascinating world of
The College of Inner
Awareness, Metaphysical and Spiritual Studies
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to an educational experience that will engage you in a challenging, exciting, and stimulating learning environment. Our facility and staff are here to offer encouragement and support as you prepare to learn the Universal Laws that govern life and reveal your oneness with the Infinite so that you may more abundantly accept the greatness of spreading your light and love, thereby changing the world.
With Peace, Love and Light,
President: REV. DR. KAREN BROOKS, Ph.D.,
S.N.H., P.C., D.D.
Founder: REV. DR. PAUL F. DANIELE, Ph..D., Th..D., D.D., P.C.
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