Creating a Metaphysical Mindset

Beginning Monday October 21, 2013 (7:00pm - 8:30pm)
 Facilitated by: Rev. Carla Beetar

The CMS course "Creating A Metaphysical Mindset" will be held on Monday evenings Starting October 21, 2013  (7:00 to 8:30 pm) at our Clearwater Campus: 18514 U.S. Hwy 19 N. Tuition is $15.00 per weekly class session with $45.00 payable at registration with $45.00 due every 3rd week unless otherwise specified. Special financial arrangements can be made, in advance, on a case-to-case basis.

To Register for this course  click here.
For other upcoming courses please
click here.

This Course Contains Metaphysical Dynamite!
  • This 8 lesson course is full of metaphysical dynamite, capable of menacing or beneficent effects according to the innate unselfishness and enlightenment of the person who desire to employ these teachings.   This course is written in language that can be understood by the average reader, but the teachings stem from ancient and profound wisdom jealously guarded by its custodians throughout the ages.

    The student of metaphysics will find this course to be a handbook for success - not only the form of success that is counted in dollars, though that is included, but also the success that comes from your harmonious attunement to other persons and to your surroundings.   This course explains in detail how to use the great power of thought-forms to align yourself with nature's harmony.

    The theme running throughout this course is that we all have within ourselves powerful but hidden natural powers which we can uncover, develop and use for attaining happiness.   That these inner powers exist has long been known; how to develop and use them has only been known to a few . . . until now.

    Included in This Powerful Course:
  • The Universal Mind
  • We Are One With Universal Mind
  • Creating Your Own Circumstances
  • Manifesting Thought Forms
  • The Kingdom of Heaven
  • The Use of Thought-Forms
  • Concentrate on Success, Not Failure
  • Serving Universal Mind

    We highly recommend this course to those whose life and character have made them ready to receive these teachings.

CALL (727)-538-9976, (727)-455-2260 or Email for Information

Fund raiser to benefit New Awareness Ministries International &
The College of Metaphysical Studies

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Creating A Metaphysical Mindset
Pre-registration $45.00 (covers the first 3 classes)

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