Metaphysical Practitioner Education Programs |
Metaphysical healing occupies such an important place in the world's progress that no course of study would be complete without an extensive treatment of this subject. Ministerial students are expected to complete the healing program before licensing and ordination. Healing practitioners, teachers and leaders along this line are expected to know the workings of metaphysical healing, and be able to practice it in connection with their other work. Many who have natural talent for healing are unable to secure the best results because they know nothing of the principles and techniques involved. The Holistic Healing Arts Education Program deals with the subject of holistic, metaphysical and complementary healing in a comprehensive way. The principles involved in bringing this power into manifestation are fully explained. The activities of the NAMI are united under one primary purpose – learning and expressing what it means to live a spiritually-centered life. The New Awareness Ministries International along with the College of Inner Awareness, Metaphysical and Spiritual Studies has sought to bring to awareness and clarity what a spiritually-centered life means for people in everyday living. From our perspective, this means thinking metaphysically, and spiritually about all of life. It is relating the whole of one's life to a Higher Power and learning to bring a consciousness of the activity of this indwelling force into every life situation. The Professional Metaphysical Practitioner The metaphysical healing profession and the metaphysical/spiritual ministry are the professional activities of those persons who have been called and educated to serve in a setting that is engaged in a work that helps people live a spiritually centered life. These programs developed out of the need expressed by many metaphysical groups to function as both full and part-time organizations. Over the years the metaphysical movement has sought to define more clearly the role of its practitioners and those qualifications that help metaphysical practitioners fulfill their highest ideals. The following qualifications have emerged about the nature of the metaphysical practitioner. They will have: 1. A demonstrated, living relationship of commitment to inner spirituality, and the ability to convey a sense of unfolding metaphysical consciousness.
2. A working understanding and appropriation of the New Age/New Thought movements and their relationship to their metaphysical/spiritual heritage.
3. A self-image for and style of leadership that are effective and the management and operational skills needed to conduct metaphysical healing and/or ministerial practices effectively.
4. Excellent communication skills.
5. A historical and functional comprehension of the New Age/New Thought movements, their purpose, and the practitioners relationship to it.
6. A historical and functional comprehension of the New Awareness Ministries International, its purpose, and the healing practitioner's relationship to it.
7. A working and articulated understanding of the healing arts profession and or the metaphysical ministry that is compatible with the goals and purposes of the metaphysical movement.
8. Emotional, mental, and ethical stability and integrity; personal maturity and self-awareness that foster good human relationships, and the skills necessary to work effectively with individuals and groups.
9. A consciousness of service to others, an understanding of the world and of the persons who are served in the metaphysical healing arts profession, and/or the metaphysical ministry and the commitment to serve the New Age/New Thought movements. In CIAMSS, these qualifications become functional objectives for students and faculty in understanding the goals of the curriculum and the purposes of a metaphysical education. Metaphysical Healing Arts and/or Ministerial Education is that process of providing a context in which a person seeking qualification for the metaphysical practitioner profession: 1. Learns to think metaphysically, ethically, and spiritually about all of life, and to live a spiritually centered life.
2. Learns how to help other people do this responsibly and creatively, in a professional manner. The faculty and staff of the College of Inner Awareness, Metaphysical and Spiritual Studies are committed to provide that context and have sought to establish the kind of program where the metaphysical development of the student is integrated with the unfoldment of the functional skills of the metaphysical healing profession and/or the metaphysical/spiritual ministry. Effective healing is dependent upon a practitioner acquiring both the consciousness and the skills for the metaphysical healing profession.
The structure of CIAMSSns, prayer. A consciousness of inner spirituality through meditation, affirmations and prayer is the foundation for healing arts education. Consciousness and skills for the healing arts practitioner also mean relating one's faith to specific life situations in a practical way. There is continuing emphasis in the school on your confronting the central issues of your own life in an effective manner. This emphasis is rooted in the belief that a person's effectiveness in establishing a living faith that consistently meets his or her own life challenges is directly related to that person's effectiveness in serving as a metaphysical healing practitioner, teacher, or administrator. The metaphysical Holistic Healing Arts Education Program seeks to help you use the resources of the curriculum as well as your own personal processing to explore your own developing consciousness of the healing arts profession. Metaphysics, History, Counseling, Healing Arts and Communications are all planned to help you unfold that consciousness. Specific skills of the healing arts practitioner are acquired through knowledge and practice. Maximum opportunity is afforded in the curriculum to practice the needed skills of healing, nutrition, speaking and management that are central to the effective practice of the metaphysical healing practitioner. For information on any individual CIAMSS or NAMI education degree or certification program including required courses, internship and standards of graduation please contact:
Dean of
18514 U.S. 19
N., Suite B Telephone: 1-727-538-9976 - Email: education@cms.edu Website: www.cms.edu or www.metaartsandsciences.org/
Graduation from a CIAMSS education program does not mean automatic certification. A student who successfully completes the prescribed course of study shall receive a degree and/or certification. Individual Intern Programs will be customized to the availability of each student by the CIAMSS advisor. Service hours performed will be converted to credit hours and entered on the official student transcript. Internship and CertificationStudents may begin their internship program after the first year of course work is completed. If accepted to the program the student will then spend the year developing skills and demonstrating healing ability by performing such healing duties under the supervision of the faculty advisor or a certified healing practitioner or ordained minister. At the successful completion of the internship program, and upon the recommendation of the faculty advisor, healing practitioner or ordained minister the student will receive their Certification from NAMI. Specific requirements will be furnished by the Dean of Education. Intern Supervision Program Registration and Grading: The program is targeted for CIAMSS students in their under graduate years and students in a graduate program. Undergraduates:
Graduate Students:
Working Time/Days: Hours worked will be recorded on the time summary sheet (A time sheet is provided). A signature from your supervisor verifying the time must be at the bottom.)
Reflection Journals (Papers): Students submit three reflection papers (normally 2-5 pages) at regular intervals during their internship. The reflection papers describe the internship experience each week, and should address the school (i.e., healing, metaphysical education) Principles and concepts that the student is learning. Learning has been taking place (via theoretical study, via mentoring from a more experienced colleague, through trial and error, through being integrated into a team which supports you, etc.). Students should get an assessment of how you are able to put into practice concepts, skills and idea gained through class work; how the internship relates/will relate to your work back in the classroom. Students should also address the objectives of the internship and note ways in which you may revise those objectives (for example, (you learning more quickly, being offered more responsibility, etc.). These reflection papers are a key part of your internship and credit and will be graded by the Department Chair or Internship Coordinator. Tips on Portfolio Creation:
Supervisors: For distance learners, a field supervisor must have appropriate credentials. For example, undergraduate levels (bachelors); at advanced levels (masters or higher) in area of supervision. The credentials are evaluated and approved individually
Final Presentation: At the completion of the internship, students prepare a 10-minute Power Point presentation about their internship (6-10 slides, of video, a detailed booklet), to a group that includes the Department Chair or Internship Coordinator. You will be invited to a group presentation meeting to be scheduled with the Chair or Internship Coordinator to make you presentation. |